Aldo Manutio era un escriptor i impressor italià al qual se li atribueix l'honor d'inventar les tipografies i establir el patró de publicacions que coneixem avui en dia. El seu lema personal Festina Lente és un savi consell que dissenyà amb una àncora entrellaçada amb dofins. Els dofins rabiosos i la sòlida àncora il·lustren una veritat paradoxal: El progrés bo i veritable flueix de la unió entre l'impetuositat i l'alentiment. Ens surt millor quan ho fem lentament i tot i així ens donem pressa.

dijous, 9 de desembre del 2010


Not so angry with the world. Just a little lonely. Anyway, that's a really god translating exercise. This song is just so... sort of romant-ish. Can't help loving it. I'd probably translate the whole of it's album, lyrics are so powerful/surrealist/hiperrealist/picturing (choose one of the adjs).

High stars hanging from a thread,
hunger sharks and head lightnings.
A morning that won't be seen,
a soaking cold they won't get free from.
Cloth agitating the spirit,
they'll fill the night with cries to sea.
Sand further on
he's drowning like a shipwreck
floating on a salt.

The boat breaks off, the wood is moaning.
It's the cold water left us from this instant.

One by one tonight they think about what was never told.
Un a un aquesta nit pensa en el que mai no ha dit.
Look at each other, they're like kids
and everytime the wave comes -fear mounting up inside,
and everytime the wave comes everything slips by danger.
No mermaid today, they're coming out tomorrow.
Sand further on
he's drowning like a shipwreck
floating on a salt.

Some go to sleep
and those ships
creak the sea.
So much is inside,
a fragility
for leaving everything behind

, Ix!

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