Aldo Manutio era un escriptor i impressor italià al qual se li atribueix l'honor d'inventar les tipografies i establir el patró de publicacions que coneixem avui en dia. El seu lema personal Festina Lente és un savi consell que dissenyà amb una àncora entrellaçada amb dofins. Els dofins rabiosos i la sòlida àncora il·lustren una veritat paradoxal: El progrés bo i veritable flueix de la unió entre l'impetuositat i l'alentiment. Ens surt millor quan ho fem lentament i tot i així ens donem pressa.

divendres, 8 d’abril del 2011


The voice is biological, folklorical and culturally nasal. There is neither effort nor attittude in expressing her vigorous convictions through her nose, with a bright smile and an orgasm-like face everytime she announces that in this dying country another half million of poor devils joined the unemployment wages, verifying in a distanced long shot and in a conscious and intense close-up the indignation felt by the nice right winged people confronting the politics of this half-stupid Hamlet (is anyone who is suffering the anxiety of me, he or she being unemployed, if those kids for whom a future was searched are going to be everlasting parasites, interested in Zapatero's decision to stand for or retire?) that survive comfortably thanks to the heroic mattress provided by their families.

The lady I'm talking about is called Ana Samboal. She has the surrealist nerve of denominating her nasty pamphlet something informative. She does not look like a converted, but like someone who has always absorbed the slogans imposed by her boss, that disgusting thing called Esperanza Aguirre. She also recites without any decency, with ardorous accent, the pathetic officila gazette (BOE). She does it much better than that staggering, histerical, unbearable, grotesque fellow, called Hermann Tertsch; una caricatura excesiva del nazi enloquecido que no tuvo más remedio en su filosófica existencia que acabar en agradecida nómina de ese cutrerío fachoso del que su pensamiento liberal tanto abominaba, pero que finalmente encontró la luz redentora. Y admito que entre los corresponsales de TVE hay abundancia de idiotas cuya capacidad expresiva se mueve entre lo ágrafo y lo analfabeto, todo ellos imagino en posesión de carné sociata, gente ante la que te planteas por qué no siembran patatas en su agradecido pueblo en vez de ser analistas de la rabiosa actualidad.

And you consider, despite the current mediocrity, the danger in which we are with the imminent triumph of the dragons, of this usual dandruff-covered fascism. Not the triumph of this Right which appears to be well-educated, well-mannered, polite: the Right of Sarzoky, Merkel, PNV, Convergencia -but the usual beast-like one. Fed, of course, by extreme left-wing thinkers who found out how well they could do in a well-paying, illiterate, argument-orphan Right.

Carlos Boyero,

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