-see as i said im amazing, I can come up with those gems and not even give a fuck about the topic
the art of intelligence
i didnt word it very well
but you got hte gist
thats because i am as clever if not more as you are-lol
id beg to differ
knowing about words isnt intelligence, its not real
you can work a fantasy with words
but it doesnt mean anything real
is about real things
and im not sure how you can say you are more intelligent than I am from what i just said, it in no way shows or intimates you have any kind of edge lo
-do you always diminish girls or just the catalan ones?
-diminish isnt the right word
What has it got to do with girls?
because you say things
either you mean or you dont mean
such as
that is actually
which intimates your being sarcastic or your surprised that i could say something intelligent
which is an arrogant thin to say
so when you say things that are looking to irritate
expect me to respond
in kind
-i wasnt looking to irritate youi was really thinking about what you said
i just felt a twitch of jealousy for not coming with something like that myself
no, listen
you know what?
you've got an art
you've got a real art-for being a prick?
-to drive conversations to a really annoying pointand for being a prick too, yeh -well im glad you think that.
you have an art for pissing me off

we can have so much fun
-You dont understand how you come across on facebook or perhaps in person, and then suggest its my fault for misinterpreting you. But im quite an understanding kind of person and I have very high tolerance thresholds. If you cannot back something up with a decent argument as to why you said it, and justify yourself, you should expect what you say to be challenged.
-yes, master-you try to antagonise me and then wonder why im antagonised
if you cant be bothered to make a decent conversation with me, dont.
i just get the impression you dont like being challenged very much and you think that its me being oversensitive and not you saying things that will be misconstrued.
I think you mean that I drive conversations to deeper things. Such as, looking for the meaning behind the sentence rather than just the sentence itself.
And I dont let things drop if Im not satisified with an answer
-yeh, i can see that
-and you dont like being challenged. you talk all about how you get bored, but, if you get bored because you dont like being challenged then, maybe thats something else.
but the fact of the matter is, I have always been someone who challenges and searches and asks questions.
because I cant stand people who are fake and talk bullshit. So i work out quite early on when someone says something if it is quite that.
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