Aldo Manutio era un escriptor i impressor italià al qual se li atribueix l'honor d'inventar les tipografies i establir el patró de publicacions que coneixem avui en dia. El seu lema personal Festina Lente és un savi consell que dissenyà amb una àncora entrellaçada amb dofins. Els dofins rabiosos i la sòlida àncora il·lustren una veritat paradoxal: El progrés bo i veritable flueix de la unió entre l'impetuositat i l'alentiment. Ens surt millor quan ho fem lentament i tot i així ens donem pressa.

dijous, 31 de març del 2011


-see as i said im amazing, I can come up with those gems and not even give a fuck about the topic
the art of intelligence
i didnt word it very well
but you got hte gist
-thats because i am as clever if not more as you are
id beg to differ
knowing about words isnt intelligence, its not real
you can work a fantasy with words
but it doesnt mean anything real
is about real things
and im not sure how you can say you are more intelligent than I am from what i just said, it in no way shows or intimates you have any kind of edge lol
-do you always diminish girls or just the catalan ones?
-diminish isnt the right word
What has it got to do with girls?
because you say things
either you mean or you dont mean
such as
that is actually
which intimates your being sarcastic or your surprised that i could say something intelligent
which is an arrogant thin to say
so when you say things that are looking to irritate
expect me to respond
in kind
-i wasnt looking to irritate you
i was really thinking about what you said
i just felt a twitch of jealousy for not coming with something like that myself
no, listen
you know what?
you've got an art
you've got a real art
-for being a prick?
-to drive conversations to a really annoying point
and for being a prick too, yeh
-well im glad you think that.
you have an art for pissing me off
we can have so much fun
-You dont understand how you come across on facebook or perhaps in person, and then suggest its my fault for misinterpreting you. But im quite an understanding kind of person and I have very high tolerance thresholds. If you cannot back something up with a decent argument as to why you said it, and justify yourself, you should expect what you say to be challenged.
-yes, master
-you try to antagonise me and then wonder why im antagonised
if you cant be bothered to make a decent conversation with me, dont.
i just get the impression you dont like being challenged very much and you think that its me being oversensitive and not you saying things that will be misconstrued.
I think you mean that I drive conversations to deeper things. Such as, looking for the meaning behind the sentence rather than just the sentence itself.
And I dont let things drop if Im not satisified with an answer
-yeh, i can see that
-and you dont like being challenged. you talk all about how you get bored, but, if you get bored because you dont like being challenged then, maybe thats something else.
but the fact of the matter is, I have always been someone who challenges and searches and asks questions.
because I cant stand people who are fake and talk bullshit. So i work out quite early on when someone says something if it is quite that.

dimarts, 22 de març del 2011


If you were a wave you'd be my favourite game
if you'd love me forever, you'd be plenitude
if you were a talkin way you'd be a dialogue
if you'd worriedly cry I'd look for you but wouldn't find you
if you were a sunset, you'd be the most beautiful of them all
if you were a tree, you'd be a cedar
if you'd show colours, you'd be red and white
if you were the snow, you'd go away
if you were a substance, you'd be the balsam
if you were substituted you'd be the wood in a column
if I were a ship I'd wear you right in front of the bow
if you were'nt a girl, you'd be a forest rose
if you were an invisible star, you'd be mutual love
if you'd gently circumdate me and then dissolve you'd be the dew of the night moisturizing the trees
if you'd faint you'd be a broken shield
if you were a flower you'd never go off
if you'd lightninged you'd resemble a pulled down stone coloured with the flux of the sea
if I'd spot you anywhere, I'd point at you
if you were indifferent you'd be the twilight
if you'd look discreetly at me, you'd be my hope
your presence seems to me the pleasantest form of true harmony
if music filled up with you I'd cry a deep and pitiful chord
if you were a clover you'd be the key to daybreak
if you were the softness you'd be the weight of water
if you were the sadness you'd be the days and the time
if you were a desire you'd be collapsed passion
if you were the moon, you'd be a wing
if you were a clock you'd be a deep circle
if you were the space you'd be the half and the center
if you weren't a favorable star, you'd be a rock defending the territory
if you'd hide from me for ever you'd be the circumdant night
if you were a path you'd be the seashore
if you were a garden you'd be a flowered star
if you were a landscape you'd be a breathing forest
if you were a ring, you'd be forever unbreakable
if you were a dense shadow you'd be a path between clear stars
if you were an afternoon you'd be a day
if you were a year you'd be a century
if you were a noise, you'd be the sound of secretly resounding swords
if you were a pedestal you'd be a blueish island
if the world was broken to pieces you'd be it's silence
if you'd lean your forehead your heart would clearly jingle
if you sigh, the running time becomes sweet
if you climb onto the sky, in meditation I find you
if you were a small ball, you'd be a single water drop
you live in the sense of flame, not in ashes
if you were a number, you'd be an unfinished quantity
if you'd change your form you'd be a dark and agreeable mountain
if you were the breeze, you'd sleep over a coloured tail
if the rain knew you, it would fall where you'd indicate
if you tried to save someone, you'd cover him with spikes,
if you were a wall, the trees would shield you
if the light went off, you'd be an everyday's drink
if you'd cover the youth if you were the early morning
if the autumn left, you'd be the imminent spring
if you were a colour, you'd be the sun's joy on a grass tuft
if you were a voice you'd have the colour of a parfum
if you were a parfum you'd had the voice of the colour that weared you
if you were a glass you'd put off the sighs
if you were a desert, you'd wave with no limits
if you were a word, you'd be "to love"
if you were an igloo, I'd prepare your long-lasting sanctuary
if you were warm light, you'd wrap yourself up in flocks
if you were a blood drop, you'd light
if the living world was all loneliness and chaos you'd be fated to manifest
if the world were a cloudy cavern, infinitudes would converge in you

you are the most beautiful reflex of the prime image inexpressibly multiplying along the times

Enric Casasses

diumenge, 20 de març del 2011

Prefaci a l'edició alemanya de 1883

El pensament bàsic del Manifesto -que la producció econòmica i l'estructura de la societat que s'erigeix necessàriament en cada època històrica constitueixen els fonaments de la història política i intel·lectual d'aquella època; que conseqüentment (des de la dissolució de la primigènia possessió comunitària de la terra) tota la història ha estat una història de lluita de classes, de lluite entre explotats i explotadors, entre dominats i classes dominants a diversos nivells de desenvolupament social; que emperò aquesta lluita ara ha arribat a un nivell on la classe explotada i oprimida (el proletariat) ja no pot emancipar-se de la classe que l'explota i l'oprimeix (la burgesia), sense alliberar al mateix temps i per sempre la societat sencera de l'explotació, opressió i lluites de classes - aquest pensament bàsic pertany solament i exclusiva a Marx. Aquesta proposició en la meva opinió està destinada a fer per la història el que la teoria de Darwin va fer per la biologia.

F. Engels

Edició alemanya de 1872

"Per molt que l'estat de les coses s'hagi alterat durant els últims vint-i-cinc anys, els principis generals exposats en aquest Manifest són, en general, tant correctes avui en dia com sempre. Aquí i allà es podrien millorar alguns detalls. L'aplicació pràctica dels principis dependrà, tal com afirma el Manifesto, qualsevol lloc i sempre, en les condicions històriques existents en aquell temps, i, per aquesta raó, no s'ha fet una emfàsi especial en les mesures revolucionàries proposades al final de la Secció 2. Aquest passatge podria, en molts respectes, ser escrit molt diferentment avui en dia. Veient les passes gegants de la Indústria Moderna des de 1848, i les millores i ampliacions que acompanyen les organitzacions de la classe obrera, veient l'experiència pràctica guanyada, primer des de la Revolució de Febrer, i després encara més, a la Comuna de París, on el proletariat va tenir per primer cop poder polític durant dos mesos sencers, aquest programa té alguns detalls antiquats. Una cosa fou especialment provada per la Comuna, que "la classe obrera no pot simplement apropiar-se de la maquinària preparada per l'Estat, i esgrimir-la per als seus propis propòsits."

Mile End

No teníem cap lloc per viure,
No teníem cap lloc on anar
fins que algú va dir
"Conec aquell lloc de Burdett Road."
Era al quinzé pis,
tenia una barra a través de la porta.
Ens va costar una hora
arrencar-la fent palanca i entrar-hi.
Feia olor com de mort;
el menjador estava ple de mosques,
la pica de la cuina estava embossada,
la del lavabo no hi era.

Ooh, és un desatre, d'acord,
sí, és
Mile End.

I ara vivim al cel
no em pensava que viuria tan penjat,
com si fos el Cel,
si no semblés l'infern.
L'ascensor està sempre ple de pixums,
el replà del cinquè pis put a peix
no només els divendres,
cada altre dia.
A sota els nens surten a la nit,
xuten una pilota i s'esbarallen
i potser disparen a algú si perden al billar.

Ooh, és un desàstre, cert,
sí, és
Mile End.

Ningú vol ser el teu amic
perquè no ets de per aquí, ooh
Com si això fos quelcom per estar-ne orgullós.
El rei llardós de l'Isle of Dogs
toqueteja als nens als vàters.
Allà als camps d'esports, algú incendia un cotxe
Suposo que has d'enfonsarte fins al fons
abans d'entendre com de baix,
com de baix,
com de baix pot caure una persona.

Ooh, és un desastre bé,
sí és
Mile End.

Pulp – Mile End Pulp – Mile End

divendres, 18 de març del 2011


You say you don't know wether you want to continue playing. that you're showing your cards but I am not and this is so off-putting. You say you're losing interest. And I, unaware of any ingenie de l'ecalière, don't come with the right words: "which game?" "have you only been playing until now?" "interested in what, exaclty? say it". No. The only thing I can do, with my heart twitching and pounding and my hands sweating, is to apologize and say I'm sorry and say it's just the way I am, and I am twisted and I told you there's something wrong with me and I am sorry.

Fuck off. (yeah, why not?)

And you repeat I've got issues. What do you mean, by the way? Every time you see anything wrong with me you say I've got issues. Like what, like your suicidal maniac exgirlfriend? No thankyou. Not quite like that. Twisted, yes. Awkard, yes. Arrogant, perhaps. But not that I have "issues". And you just go and spit out "oh you've missed me. I can tell that". Excuse me? You can tell what, exactly? What, X? I don't give a damn about what you think. I mean, it's all up to you. I was nervous, true. Leading the talk, true. Fast-pounding chest, true. But you don't know any of what I've been through. And thats what pisses me off mostly. Yup. Because for you its only
(and as simple as) about missing you. But you can't realize calm waters run deeper, and I can't tell you. I simply won't on a white screen, not apologizing for that. And your arrogance. You, conceited prick. Your self-esteem raised over the top with that, innit? Sadly enough, I feel inconsistently unable to tell you the -thing?-.
God that's so utterly lame. The sleepless nights. So many of them. Nights of waiting for an answer. Followed by nights waiting for any kind of date or hanging around. Days of empty inboxes. More nights without answers. Smiles and "yeah, tomorrow". For sure. Such a dickhead I am. Followed by nights of waiting for a hello. That was the largest part. Still waiting anyway. But now, just waiting for a showing up, for a "uh, he's alive" relief. Idiot self-esteemless. Can't go through this again. Not once more, please. Not twice in this fucking shit-hole (thankyou). Not twice in this fucking country. Whatever is wrong with you, just spit it out, just say it. I can't take more silences and hopes and fears. that Is insane. And killing. Literally soul-ripping. Not anymore, please. If you don't show up, I'll go thinking you just got tired. And it's fair enough, but, tell me, is it too much to ask for an explanation, for an "not anymore, i met someone else"?? What the hell, I reckon you, no, not, everyone, all of them, thought I was about to make a pissoff. To make a drama of it. Is that the reason why anyone never tells me anything? Can't believe it!!
I don't understand why on earth do I look so drama queen-like. No, really. Kind of funny if it weren't happening to me, actually. yeh. Well, just for the record, I won't be acting like desperate, or menacing to kill myself. Like others, huh? (wink wink) Nah. Not my style. Though as never anyone really gave me the opportunity to be in such a situation, can't be 100% sure. But anyway I'm sure on a 99% . It's enough for me, if it's not for you then it's your problem.
Besides, why would I expect anything else? Or anything more? I don't, I swear. No need for a Charming prince. I am much aware of the current situation (ours?) which means that I won't be demanding more of it. No factible. Almost impossible. Those are facts. So no need to scare out about my expectations regarding this. And no need for you to think I'm so deeply into you. Noooo, please, please. You've got a lot of faults, by the way. Did you ever notice it , or ever came across any of them? I hate you sometimes. The more I shut, the more you talk. Oh, that one is good too: missing what exaclty, by the way? missing you? what does that mean, exactly? did you ever go off? go out? because i just saw you like always. you were there. you weren't talking to me or paying attention or FB-liking. but you were definitely there. I kew it, you knew it. I don't know your reasons or leitmotifs. You know them. Frankly, I don't care at all about it now. Time has past. Not curious. One of your highest mistakes, and for which, I tell you, as much as I'd like to, I will never ever be able to forgive you, is how hard you pushed me that time. you made me sick, you made me hurl all that crap about me, about me doing drugs, about me nailing others, and your intrinsic interest on my numbers. What for? I don't give a shit for all those answers. They re not really important. There is nothing in my answers you will be able to use to understand me better or to make you decide if I am worth some time spending or not. And it's a great error to think you can decide thinks like that just basing on the answers -true or not, can't prove any of it- I tell you. Fuck you for that. It was outrageous, and you were only blackmailing me, and I don't even know what was I about to loose if I did not... if perhaps I had already lost it before. Most probably I did loose it before.
I'm tired of it. I'm tired of thinking about this. I'm tired of so much misery. I am a wasted land, as simple as that. And I am tired of thinking about all that stuff throughout sleepless nights whilst I am so utterly uncapable of telling you -wether on a screen or meeting your eyes-.
Screw you.

Screw you, screw you, screw you. Goodnight. You deserve a small part of my suffering. A tenth percent of it at least.

dimecres, 16 de març del 2011

1, 2, 3, shadow

when I feel bad...
...I think about you

when I feel bad · . . . .
· . ... I think about the image you've got of me

whenever you see who am I . . .
. . . please, please, don't tell me

(as I don't tell you


dijous, 10 de març del 2011

Farcit (2/2)

A que no t'enfiles en aquella branca d'allà dalt, anem a columpiar-nos, sabies que l'espadanya es pot fumar, fem servir les teules per construir una casa a l'aigua, he trobat un cartutx de bales, jo també, columpiem-nos, si poses un tauló sobre el pneumàtic tindràs un rai, has de fer servir flor de saüc per fer una pipa, són buides per dins, m'ho ha dit el jardiner, anem al Park de Liedtke, és tot salvatge i hi creixen pomes que no són de ningú, gronxem-nos, vine aquí, que t'empenyo, com de fons pots bussejar, la meva barca té un timó fet de metall, fem que l'habitació sigui des d'aquí al coixí fins a la manta, gronxem-nos, pots pujar sense mans, sabies que aquell nen Daniel va pujar a l'ampit i va pixar fora de la finestra, oh no, el meu rem ha caigut a l'aigua, dóna'm un petó.


Pots trencar les avellanes amb una pedra que pesi, encara estàn blanques per dins, anem a gronxar-nos, puc anar pel voltant del toll amb la roda de davant cap a l'esquerra i la de darrere cap a la dreta, inventem-nos un llenguatge secret, fer petons s'hauria de dir refilar, no en sèrio, anem a columpiar-nos, no pots parlar mentre pesques, estreny la fulla de lilàs tota plana entre les mans, així és com fa el millor xiulet, m'ho ha dit el jardiner, gronxem-nos, vine aquí, enterrarem el talp sota d'aquest abre d'aquí mateix, et pots menjar els cors dels sarronets de pastor, anem a amagar-nos a sota de l'avet, dóna'm un-Jo també vull un refilet, jo també.

Visitations, Jenny Erpenbeck (p. 124- 126)

Farcit (1/2)

"Perhaps eternal life already exists during a human lifetime, but since it looks different from what we're hoping for -something that trascends everything that's ever happened- since it looks instead like the old life we already knew, no one recognizes it."

Jenny Erpenbeck, Heimsuchung (Visitation) (traducció de la traducció)

ÉEEEs que l'Alícia no té ganes de parlar d'ella mateixa.

dijous, 3 de març del 2011

Desk Scribbles

I hate Maryam =p
I hate all of you...
on the table!

QueenMaryLibrary, 3March2011

dimarts, 1 de març del 2011

Broken fall (organic), Bas Jan Ader

Derek Bailey on Improvisation:
"Molts improvitzadors creuen que la improvització val la pena, penso, per les possibilitats. Coses que poden passar però potser passen molt rarament. Una d'aquestes coses es que estiguis "fora de tu". Alguna cosa passa que et desorienta tant, que, per un moment, que podria durar només un segon o dos, les teves reaccions i respostes no són les que serien normalment. Pots fer quelcom del qual no et creies capaç."

"Don't clean your desk. You might find something in the morning that you can't see tonight." Bruce Mau
Serendipity: effect by which one accidentally discovers something fortunate, especially while looking for something entirely unrelated)
Détournement: concept created by the Situationists, which is an alteration to an existing work that gives it a new meaning.
"There is no such thing as a failed experiment, only experiments with unexpected outcomes" R. Buckminster Fuller
There is much beauty to be found in drips and splotches.
"On a journey no matter where" Hermann Hesse
Sometimes it is good to play with your food
"Everybody is born an inventor" R. Buckminster Fuller
"There's nothing we really need to do that isn't dangerous" John Cage
"Eventually everything connects -people, ideas, objects." Charles Eames
"You must set about it more slowly, amost stupidly force yourself to write down what is of no interest, what is most obvious, most common, most colorless" Georges Perec