Aldo Manutio era un escriptor i impressor italià al qual se li atribueix l'honor d'inventar les tipografies i establir el patró de publicacions que coneixem avui en dia. El seu lema personal Festina Lente és un savi consell que dissenyà amb una àncora entrellaçada amb dofins. Els dofins rabiosos i la sòlida àncora il·lustren una veritat paradoxal: El progrés bo i veritable flueix de la unió entre l'impetuositat i l'alentiment. Ens surt millor quan ho fem lentament i tot i així ens donem pressa.

dimarts, 9 de novembre del 2010

Things you should know about me.

1. I need to sleep with somebody, without meaning that I love you.
2. I do not trust you, and even though I like you.
3. I would do lots of crazy, silly things for you. (well, maybe you probably do not need to know that piece of infomation, but still...)
4. I am so difficult to deal with, and at the same time I need attention.
5. I am awfully bad at relationships: I am not used to.
6. It is hard for me to combine relationship and social life. I cannot picture the union of these two spheres. (but i would like to feel comfortable with it)
7. (probably the most important) I will no be able to love somebody until I do not love myself completely.

Extract from "All the stuff you ever wanted to know about yourself (in a sentimental level) but never dared to ask", by Alice Compton. Issue #1: P. 8/11/2010

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